Sunday, September 6, 2009

NASCAR and Video Gamers... A Sign of a Losing Battle?

Just when NASCAR sees a couple of weeks where TV Ratings went up a smidge over last year comes a sign that it's struggle to attract a younger audience may not have been as successful as hoped.

Reading a report at, it appears that EASports is moving away from the NASCAR series of video games and transitioning it's resources to support a Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) game.

What does this mean to NASCAR? While it's not necessarily BAD news, because it probably frees them up to try and license the product to a different manufacturer, it seems a sign that, at least with the video gaming population that NASCAR just isn't appealing enough over time to create a lot of sales.

Reading the comments at the Gamespot article, die-hard NASCAR fans may actually wonder whether those criticisms are of just the video game or the sport itself.

So, we're faced with yet another 'reality check' for NASCAR. While local racing continues to be incredibly exciting with shorter heat races and feature races, NASCAR is left wondering how to generate more excitement in the sport to not just bring back many core fans who got frustrated, but to also appeal to a new audience.

Although one might think that NASCAR and MMA are totally different sports and totally different audiences, It would seem that NASCAR might be able to learn something from MMA. I mean, really, how many bars in your town host 'fight night' viewing parties where people pay a higher than normal cover charge to come and watch the fights with other fans? Have you ever gone to one of those nights? While the crowds are primarily male, there are also women mixed in and they're almost predominantly 21-35 years old. Doesn't that sound a lot like the audience that NASCAR is trying to grow itself with?

And after all... when was the last time you saw a bar selling tickets to a NASCAR viewing party?

While you're thinking about that question, don't forget to look for great local racing at For Fans of Fast!