Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Racing At Richmond... Actual RACING!?

Let me be the first to acknowledge that I am probably the first to complain about strung out 'follow the leader, lap half the field, 3 contender' races at those D-shaped 'ovals'.... BORING!!!

I've also said that maybe with all the 'pack' racing at Plate Tracks that if competitive 'racing' is what drives viewership then maybe every track should get a plate... Kind of like IROC Part 2!

However, I will honestly say that apart from the last several laps last night when Kyle Busch shined and pulled away, I think I saw more real 'racing' last night than I've seen in a LONG time.  Until the TV #s come out, we won't know whether it mattered or not because who knows if more people than not have gone away and aren't coming back... BUT... I'm sure as heck glad that Richmond has 2 races!

What do you think?  Maybe the 'solution' is to find a way to 'shortin' the tracks at the D-shaped ovals... After all, most of them only have stands along the front stretch anyway!  Or, if we're stuck with them, maybe NASCAR can find a way to 'sprinkle' the good racing tracks through the schedule a little better so we never end up with more than 2 weeks in a row of 'follow the leader, lap half the field, 3 contender' races.

How would you schedule the races if YOU were NASCAR!?  The world awaits your 'Master Plan'!

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